My goal is simple , I want to do Asynchronous I/O calls (using async await) - but :
- Without using DataFlow dependency ( like in this answer)
- Without middle buffers( not like this answer)
- The Projector function should be sent as an argument. ( not like this answer)
Currently here is my code which it's job is to read from db and project each line to a Func<>
public IEnumerable < T > GetSomeData < T > (string sql, Func < IDataRecord, T > projector)
using(SqlConnection _conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=..."))
using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, _conn))
_cmd.CommandTimeout = 100000;
using(IDataReader rdr = _cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (rdr.Read()) yield return projector(rdr);
So , what is projector ?
Each class has a function which gets a record
( IDataRecord
) and create an entity :
Example :
public class MyClass
public static MyClass MyClassFactory(IDataRecord record)
return new MyClass
Name = record["Name"].ToString(),
Datee = DateTime.Parse(record["Datee"].ToString()),
val = decimal.Parse(record["val"].ToString())
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Datee { get; set; }
public decimal val { get; set; }
So here , MyClassFactory
would be the Func
So how I currently run it ?
var sql = @"SELECT TOP 1000 [NAME],[datee] ,[val] FROM [WebERP].[dbo].[t]";
var a = GetSomeData < MyClass > (sql, MyClass.MyClassFactory).Where(...); //notice the Func
All ok.
The problems starts now :
Adding async
to the method yields an error : ( Yes I know that Ienumerable is a Synchronous interface hence the problem)
public async Task<IEnumerable < T >> GetSomeData < T > (string sql, Func < IDataRecord, T > projector)
cannot be an iterator block because 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task>' is not an iterator interface type
Which DOES compile.
How can I convert my code to support fully asynchronse IO call ?
(under the conditions : without DataFlow dependency , send projector function as argument , no middle buffers)
You may want to check Stephen Toub's "Tasks, Monads, and LINQ" for some great ideas on how to process asynchronous data sequences.
It's not (yet) possible to combine
, but I'm going to be a verbalist here: the quoted requirements didn't listIEnumerable
and LINQ. So, here's a possible solution shaped as two coroutines (almost untested).Data producer routine (corresponds to
):Data consumer routine (correspond to
or a LINQ expression):Coroutine execution helper (can also be implemented as a pair of custom awaiters):
This is just an idea. It might be an overkill for a simple task like this, and it could be improved in some areas (like thread-safety, race conditions and handling the end of the sequence without touching
). Yet it illustrates how the asynchronous data retrieval and processing could possibly be decoupled.