I am trying to do something like this on global scope in nodejs REPL. As per my understanding both the following statements are valid. see docs
let x = await Promise.resolve(2);
let y = await 2;
However, both these statements are throwing an error.
Can somebody explain why? my node version is v8.9.4
This proposal is currently in stage 2 of the TC39 process. LINK
You can use this feature in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox as of now. You can use top level await without async in console.
can only be used within a function that is labeledasync
, so there are two ways you can approach this.Note: There is a proposal in place that may eventually allow the usage of Top level await calls.
The first way is to create a self invoked function like this:
Or the second way is to use
You can not do that. MDN doc says
since node 10, you can run node process with --experimental-repl-await to allow to level await https://nodejs.org/api/repl.html#repl_await_keyword
You could wrap all the code in the global scope in an async function.
For example: