I'm using Ant 1.8.1. If I passed in an argument on the command line ...
How do I set individual properties (to true/false) in my Ant script?
<property name="abc" value="???" />
<property name="def" value="???" />
Note that in the above example, I'd want Ant to have access to a property "${abc}" that is set to true, whereas if it tried to access the property "${mno}" that property would be false, or at least some value other than true.
Thanks, - Dave
Can't think of a way to do this in core Ant. You could do it with the For task of ant-contrib.
How to decide when an item of your property $enableproperties is to be set to false or true ?
Some criteria missin..
From my understanding of your question you might try something like that, my solution is based on Ant plugin Flaka
starting with ant -f demo.xml -Denableproperties=abc#t,def#t,ghi,jkl#t,mno
means all items in the list that should be set to true in your script have to be propertyname#t
others will be set to false
Disclosure = i'm participating as committer in the Flaka project