What function might I use to find a character position in a string using PowerShell 2.0.
i.e I would use CHARINDEX or PATINDEX if using SQL Server.
I looked at using the Select-String
cmdlet but it doesn't seem to do what I need it to do.
Ultimately I'm looking to find a "_" character in a file name and strip off everything to the following "." .
Example file name 237801_201011221155.xml
Final Solution, The below strips out all characters from and including <_> to <.> for all .xml files in the current directory
Get-Childitem *.xml | Rename-Item -newname `
{ $_.name -replace $_.name.SubString($_.name.IndexOf("_"), `
$_.name.LastIndexOf(".") - $_.name.IndexOf("_") ),''}
Will end up with 237801.xml
If you're working with actual files (as opposed to some sort of string data), how about the following?
(or use
if you want to cut everything from the first underscore.)If you use Excel, then the command would be Find and MID. Here is what it would look like in Powershell.
asdfNAME=PC123456<>Diweursejsfdjiwr - Randon line of text, we want PC123456
7 - this is the "FIND" command for Powershell
C1234 - this is the "MID" command for Powershell
PC123456 - tada it has found and cut our text
The string is a .NET string so you can use .NET methods. In your case:
will return 3, which is the first occurrence of space in the string. For more information see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.aspx
For your need try something like:
Or you could use regexps:
(has to be adjusted depending on exactly what you need).
If you split the filename on underscore and dot, you get an array of 3 strings. Join the first and third string, i.e. with index 0 and 2
Another way to do the same thing:
I know this thread is a bit old but, I was looking for something similar and could not find it. Here's what I came up with. I create a string object using the .Net String class to expose all the methods normally found if using C#
Result: 201011221155.xml