I'd like to be able to do queries that normalize accented characters, so that for example:
é, è, and ê
are all treated as 'e', in queries using '=' and 'like'. I have a row with username field set to 'rené', and I'd like to be able to match on it with both 'rene' and 'rené'.
I'm attempting to do this with the 'collate' clause in MySQL 5.0.8. I get the following error:
mysql> select * from User where username = 'rené' collate utf8_general_ci;
ERROR 1253 (42000): COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'
FWIW, my table was created with:
`id` bigint(19) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`username` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `uniqueUsername` (`username`)
is a perfect php solution, but in mysql? CONVERT?
in mysql
The accented words is not converted to no accented words, it is not equivalent a translit of iconv.
RegExp don't work with UTF-8.
Not any solution.
I'd suggest that you save the normalized versions to your table in addition with the real username. Changing the encoding on the fly can be expensive, and you have to do the conversion again for every row on every search.
If you're using PHP, you can use iconv() to handle the conversion:
Then you'd just save both versions and use the normalized version for searching and normal username for display. Comparing and selecting will be alot faster from the normalized column, provided that you normalize the search string also:
Of course this method might not be viable if you have several columns that need normalizations, but in your specific case this might work allright.
I have implemented a strtr php function/tr unix command in MySQL you can get the source here
You can use as:
or to strip some characters
The reason for the error is not the table but the characterset of your input, i.e. the 'rené' in your query. The behaviour depends on the character_set_connection variable:
Using the MySQL Client, change it using
:(from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/charset-connection.html)
Example output:
Altenatively, use can explicitly set the character set using a 'character set introducer':
I know this question is pretty old but since Google led me here for a related question, I though it still deserves an answer :)