How do I get the effect in a translation, that iOS home screen does when opening an App: It scales the App to fullscreen, starting from the App-icon on the home screen?
In my code, I have the icon-frame (CGRect
) with position, width and height and I have the final frame. Is there a way to (probably combine some) transitions to get a scaling from the icon-frame to the final frame?
I get somewhat similar with:
view.transition(AnyTransition.scale(scale: 0, anchor: UnitPoint.trailing))
Which scales from zero to the original size, starting from trailing center position. It's only close as:
- it scales from zero instead of the size of the original icon
- it starts from a fixed point (trailing, center) but I'd like to let it start from where the icon is.
Just to be sure: It must be a transition as the view is newly created and dropped. I tried with keeping the view and just change its opacity to show/hide it. With many other problems like not getting the reverse animation, when the view disappears.
The above sample code should give you an idea on scaling an image
Above can be called by something like below
Added animation modifier to give visual cue. You can change it to meet your needs.
Here is a demo of idea how such effect could be done with combined transitions... (positions and sizes are hardcoded for demo simplicity - they can be read with geometry reader, alignment guides or anchor preferences, and actually do not affect the transition usage idea, also animation can be configured)