In the classic Peterson's algorithm, you check for 2 flags flag1 and flag2 and the turn variable before entering a critical section.Will this work if I check for turn first and then check for the flags ?
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Yes, it will work, if you first check
and then checkflag[0]
inside the condition inwhile()
.The reason is that busy waiting is performed only when both conditions are true.
As a proof I've written a small C program simulating two processes with random switches between them.
For the critical section I use this piece of code in process 0:
and this in process 1:
Both processes execute this section 1000 times each. If there's a race condition between the critical sections of the two,
will likely be different from 2000 at the end of the simulation.Code:
Output (ideone):
Now, the same program with the order of the checks as in Wikipedia, for which I define
as 0: output (ideone):Finally, to show that there's a race condition when Peterson's algorithm is disabled, I define
as 0: output (ideone):