On a webpage in IE8 I have 4 custom fonts in CSS using font-face, two of each font go to the same family for bold and normal weights.
I have found that IE8 randomly renders the non bold as bold and sometimes vice-versa. If I sit at the page pressing refresh each time it loads the text changes, seemingly randomly.
I even tried having javascript set the fonts for elements only after everything is loaded - and it still occurs.
Any one know whats going on?
I've had the same issue when using multiple weights and styles of a single font in IE8. Typekit has an article that explains this bug in IE8 and below: Using multiple weights and styles
According to them:
"Internet Explorer 6, 7, & 8 load a maximum of four weights per family. Additionally, using two closely-related weights (e.g., 400 and 500) may result in only one weight loading correctly."
Using variation specific seems to be the way to solve this. Like so (snippet from a Myfonts.com web font kit):