What's a batch script command to touch on a file to update its date and time to the current date and time? (Modified Date)
For example, Joe Blow sends me a text document which he created months ago, when he emails me the document, I want to keep track of how old it is from the day I received it (not when he created it) so I want to update the file's date/time to the current date/time.
I have a batch script to automatically weed out files that haven't been edited within 90 days, so this is troublesome when I receive a particularly older file then all of a sudden it disappears.
And I need it via a batch script as I have hundreds of files to manage, and it's for archiving files.
Just to add that the same source provide a batch script.
I can't take all the credit, but I did look through my todo.txt to find it
Microsoft "touch" it's a KB article from like 5 years ago
The jist of it is you use
copy /b MYFILENAME +,,
where MYFILENAME is your fileThis is an expansion on aflat's anwer.
1) Microsoft support provides an explanation and simple touch.bat script. 2) My custom touch.cmd, which expands on the MS script by including "touch /?" help text. 3) My custom midastouch.cmd, which provides several options including recursive operation and date operations.
As aflat wrote, the simple answer is:
As you might expect, FILENAME can include relative or absolute path and wildcards like *.txt.
1. Microsoft1 support:
2. Touch.cmd
3. MidasTouch.cmd