I have a bitmap and I want to crop a circular region from this bitmap. All pixels outside the circle should be transparent. How can I do this?
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to generate Circle from rectangles
For peaple who want the center of the rectangle (me), add this before cutting:
Android Crop Center of Bitmap
This can be easlity done in xml as well without cropping the actual bitmap, You just need to create a circular image mask and place over your actual image. Here is the piece of code which i used:
your_layout.xml (Ignore "android:scaleType="fitXY"" if you don't need it)
OutPut Image View:
Hope, It might be useful for someone!!! :)
I recommend adding
if you don't need it anymore, it will prevent OutOfMemory error.You Can make your imageview circular using RoundedBitmapDrawable
here is the code for achieving roundedImageview: