I know there are many questions about this but none of them helped my situation.I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 and I'm trying to debug an app on my LG phone. I followed this guide: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/device.html
I enabled USB debugging on my phone,set the project to debuggable in the manifest, and edited the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules rules file. Here is the contents of the file:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
1004 is the vendor ID for LG. The device is mounted; I can access it in my filesystem and the USB mounted indicator is in the notifications area. When I run adb devices, the phone is not listed, only the emulator is. It is also not recognized in Eclipse. How can I get Eclipse to recognize my device?
Here is my ultimate script to adding rules for all Android devices. You should delete your xx-android.rules files if you wrote it and make this with sudo:
Hope it helps you.
There is an extra step on 64 bit Ubuntu: apt-get install ia32-libs
Maybe this is the issue?
Try searching for generic adb drivers for LG for Ubuntu, install them, reboot and connect your phone. Then go to terminal, navigate to folder with adb and use the following command to see if your device is recognised:
If it shows your device, it is ready to be used with android sdk.
You should install usb-drivers for your device (even if you have access with your file system). Maybe it's a standart driver, that allows you to use SD card on your phone (but nothing more).
I found my problem. The Android guide says to name the udev file 51-android.rules. But for newer version of Ubuntu (Karmic and sooner) it needs to be names 70-android.rules. This is the tutorial I followed: http://esausilva.com/2010/05/13/setting-up-adbusb-drivers-for-android-devices-in-linux-ubuntu/. Thanks for your answers though.