I am looking for a way to save a matplotlib figure as an EMF file. Matplotlib allows me to save as either a PDF or SVG vector file but not as EMF.
After a long search I still cannot seem to find a way to do this with python. Hopefully anyone has an idea.
My workaround is to call inkscape using subprocess but this is far from ideal as I would like to avoid the use of external programs.
I'm running python 2.7.5 and matplotlib 1.3.0 using the wx backend.
For anyone who still needs this, I wrote a basic function that can let you save a file as an emf from matplotlib, as long as you have inkscape installed.
I know the op didn't want inkscape, but people who find this post later just want to make it work.
Example Usage
If your Matplotlib file is saved in PDF, you can convert it emf(Enhanced Windows Metafile) using a file converting tool such as https://www.freefileconvert.com/pdf-emf.