I have created a new project using storyboard. Now, I want to add a UIView into the default ViewController. When I tried to add constraint using AutoLayout to the UIView with it's parent ViewController, it is showing -16 instead of 0 at both leading and trailing space. Which make the UIView smaller than the default UIViewController width. How could I remove this? Please help.
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just remove constraints to margin option ..
to remove constrain margin from the constrain follow this step
1 . In Interface Builder, select an item by clicking it in the outline view or on the canvas
2 . Open the utilities area for the workspace window by clicking the Show Utilities button in the workspace configuration buttons in the toolbar.
3 . In the inspector bar, click the Size Inspector button
4 . Scroll the inspector pane until you find the Constraints list
Xcode opens the constraint definition in the inspector.
6 . choose the item which has extension .margin
7 . Then remove the tick form Relative to margin
8 . Done