I'm trying to figure out this issue for 6 hours. But there is nothing to make sense. Here is the scenario; There is a well formatted HTML
$mail_body = '
<b>Message Num :</b> 769<br />
<b>Message Date :</b> 2013-04-08 09:03:21<br />
<b>Name :</b> John Doe<br />
<b>Phone :</b> 123456789<br />
<b>E-mail :</b> abcdf@somedomain.com<br />
<b>Message :</b> Here is the message info<br />
Here is the array of recipients' mails;
$recipients = array("abc@something.com","xyz@somtehing.com");
Everything looks fine and email ready to send.Here is the phpmailer config;
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->From = "noreply@something.com";
$mail->FromName = "TEST";
$mail->WordWrap = 50;
foreach($recipients as $mail_add) {
$mail->Subject = "TEST Subject";
$mail->Body = $mail_body;
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo "Mail sent...";
Everything is same when I test it. But sometimes email was sent. Sometimes it was not sent. Give me the following error : The following SMTP Error: Data not accepted.
I hope I explained
your server dosen't allow different sender and username you should config:
I was experiencing this same problem. In my instance the send mail was timing out because my Exchange server was relaying email to a server on the internet. That server had exceeded it's bandwidth quota. Apparently php mailer has some built in timeout and it wasn't long enough to see the actual message.
Try to set the port on 26, this has fixed my problem with the message "data not accepted".