When configuring a SAM template and defining a AWS::Serverless::Function
there is the Events param that accepts an Api type. Does this create an API Gateway resource? What is the difference between this event type and a standalone AWS::Serverless::Api
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Taken from the documentation:
The question asks about the APIs referred to in the Event source block of a SAM AWS::Serverless::Function type, such as:
As mentioned in the docs in various places, these are called "implicit APIs" in SAM.
SAM creates resources of type AWS::Serverless::Api from the union of Api events defined on AWS::Serverless::Function resources - but only those that do not refer (via the RestApiId property) to AWS::Serverless::Api defined explicitly in the template.
Behind the scenes, SAM collects all of these implicit APIs, generates a Swagger, and creates the implicit APIs using this Swagger. This API defaults to a StageName called "Prod" which cannot be configured.
If you do need control over defining and documenting the API in Swagger, an AWS::Serverless::Api resource should be created explicitly. It would then be referred to this way:
So the only difference between them is how much control you have over their configuration, and the key consideration is whether or not you need to define either:
If you need control over either or both of these, then you need to define your API explicitly. Otherwise, you can probably use the implicit APIs.
Note also that AWS::Serverless::Api resources in SAM are "transformed" into CloudFormation resources of type AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi, AWS::ApiGateway::Stage, and AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment.
Note that this information is a summary of information found in these three source docs: