I'd like to automate a mysqldump to my computer from a remote host, and I cannot figure out how to do it.
I suppose that I should run a mysqldump through an SSH tunnel, but this becomes complicated by the fact that my local computer is a Windows XP machine. I'm using putty to open a tunnel like so:
putty -load "[my saved session]" -L [localport]:localhost:3306 -N
Note: I can't just connect to the mysql server remotely.
Building on what @Michael Berkowski gave me (and adapting to Linux, which is now all I use), I end up with two commands for tunneling to Server A to access a MySQL server on Server B:
This works for me (one line code in myBackup.bat file):
Instead of PuTTY, download the command line version
. Then using the same connection parameters you can run the mysqldump via plink and save the output locally. PLink is available from the same download page as PuTTY.http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
Or, another method would be to execute
in the same command line asplink
, redirecting it tooutfile
on the local machine.You can automate this process by setting up two things with the help of crons
1 You have to generate MYSQLDUMP on regular basis by creating a cron using below command on your remote machine.
MYSQLDUMP -uuser -p --all-databases > file_name.sql
2. You have to create a cron to transfer the file from remote server to your local machine using SCP Command that is mentioned below.
Linux SCP Command
scp user@remote_ip:~/mysql_dump_file_name.sql ./