I want to use my global qss
stylesheet with a derived class. I understand I have to override the paintEvent
(style sheet reference , or here).
void CustomWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) {
QStyleOption opt;
opt.init(this); // tried initFrom too, same result=>not working
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
However, it does not seem to work. With CDerived:QWidget
and the following style sheet lines I face:
CDerived { background-color: black; } // no effect
QWidget { background-color: black; } // works
implements paintEvent
as above. Anything else I need to do?
-- Edit / Solution --
Thanks to JK's hint I have figured it out. My above example is actually not correctly reflecting my scenario. My real class resides in a C++ namespace (my mistake I have missed that). So I have to write MyNamespace--CDerived
in the qss. See "Widgets inside C++ namespaces"
After I have tried JK's simple example here, I suddenly realized my mistake!
Correct one:
MyNamespace--CDerived { background-color: black; } // works, use -- for ::
Remarks: Relateds SO question (a,b), but with no answer to this particular question. My derived class resides in a C++ namespace.
It is strange....it works fine for me: