Hello I am building an application using dropwizard, that is using jersey 2.16 internally as REST API framework.
For the whole application on all resource methods I need some information so to parse that information I defined a custom filter like below
public @interface TenantParam {
The tenant factory is defined below
public class TenantFactory implements Factory<Tenant> {
private final HttpServletRequest request;
private final ApiConfiguration apiConfiguration;
public TenantFactory(HttpServletRequest request, @Named(ApiConfiguration.NAMED_BINDING) ApiConfiguration apiConfiguration) {
this.request = request;
this.apiConfiguration = apiConfiguration;
public Tenant provide() {
return null;
public void dispose(Tenant tenant) {
I haven't actually implemented the method but structure is above. There is also a TenantparamResolver
public class TenantParamResolver implements InjectionResolver<TenantParam> {
private InjectionResolver<Inject> systemInjectionResolver;
public Object resolve(Injectee injectee, ServiceHandle<?> serviceHandle) {
if(Tenant.class == injectee.getRequiredType()) {
return systemInjectionResolver.resolve(injectee, serviceHandle);
return null;
public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator() {
return false;
public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator() {
return true;
Now in my resource method I am doing like below
public ApiResponse create(User user, @TenantParam Tenant tenant) {
System.out.println("resource method invoked. calling service method");
System.out.println("service class" + this.service.getClass().toString());
//DatabaseResult<User> result = this.service.insert(user, tenant);
//return ApiResponse.buildWithPayload(new Payload<User>().addObjects(result.getResults()));
return null;
Here is how I am configuring the application
public void run(Configuration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
// bind auth and token param annotations
environment.jersey().register(new AbstractBinder() {
protected void configure() {
.to(new TypeLiteral<InjectionResolver<TenantParam>>() {})
The problem is during application start I am getting below error
WARNING: No injection source found for a parameter of type public void com.proretention.commons.auth.resources.Users.create(com.proretention.commons.api.core.Tenant,com.proretention.commons.auth.model.User) at index 0.
and there is very long stack error stack and description
Below is the declaration signature of user pojo
public class User extends com.company.models.Model {
No annotations on User class. Model is a class that defines only single property id of type long and also no annotations on model class
When I remove the User parameter from above create resource method it works fine and when I removed TenantParam it also works fine. The problem only occurs when I use both User and TenantParam
- What I am missing here ? how to resolve this error ?
I just tried with two custom method param injection, that is also not working
public void validateUser(@AuthParam AuthToken token, @TenantParam Tenant tenant) {
- What I am missing here ? Is this a restriction in jersey ?
Method parameters are handled a little differently for injection. The component we need to implement for this, is the
. Once you implement that, you also need to bind it in yourAbstractBinder
.Jersey has a pattern that it follows for implementing the
. This is the pattern used to handle parameters like@PathParam
. Jersey has aValueFactoryProvider
for each one of those, as well as others.The pattern is as follows:
Instead of implementing the
directly, we extendAbstractValueFactoryProvider
In this component, it has a method we need to implement that returns the
that provides the method parameter value.The
is what is used to handle the custom annotation. With this pattern, instead of directly implementing it, as the OP has, we just extendParamInjectionResolver
passing in ourAbstractValueFactoryProvider
implementation class to super constructorAnd that's really it. Then just bind the two components
Below is a complete test using Jersey Test Framework. The required dependencies are listed in the javadoc comments. You can run the test like any other JUnit test
See Also: