For some reason the below code only works when run in the vbe, when run in the event handling code, or by macro list the codename remains sheet1.
Please can someone investigate ?
Sub changesheetcodename()
Dim ws,tsst as worksheet
For Each Ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Ws.Name <> "Instructions" then ws.delete
Next Ws
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Sheet1"
set tsst = Sheets("Sheet1")
With tsst
.Parent.VBProject.VBComponents(.CodeName) _
.Properties("_CodeName") = "test"
End With
End Sub
Also the access to the
is required: see "Macro settings" and set "Trust access to the VBA object model". To programmatically change the settings, look here.