I'm very new to VBA, to bear with me here.
I want to assign a set of variables the value of a set of ranges ie. run a brief code to simplify the following
Dim Sample 1 as string
Sample1 = activeworksheet.range("C17").value
Dim Sample 2 as string
Sample2 = activeworksheet.range("C18").value}
and so on
Following an excelfunctions.net tutorial, I know that I can shorten the declaration to
Dim Sample(1 to 20) as a string
But the tutorial drops it there(because it's a tutorial about names), suggesting I populate it as follows
and so on
I found the discussion below to be on the right track to answer my quest, but I am having trouble applying it to my situation. (Excel VBA Array Ranges for a loop)
As a follow up note, I am ultimately trying to assign values to these variables for use in the following procedures, rather than declaring and assigning them each time.
Try something like this:
Also, if you know the range you want to put into an array, you can simply set an array to that range:
You should :
For each cell of the range, retrieve your datas
edit : I indent the code to display it correctly
Additional way to the above you can only use:
Then you can directly use:
is C1 to C20 range!