How to change the default grey background at UISearchController search text field?
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Apple has key 'searchField' to detect textfield in searchBar. So first safely get that textfield and do the change whatever you want with textfield.
This is working code and I have implemented in my current project. Still if you have any query then let me know.
I hope this will help you.
On iOS13 and later, searchTextField is a member of UISearchBar. So you can use something like this:
Be careful, apple does not have proper notation in SDK showing that this property introduced in iOS 13, so if you are supporting iOS 12 or older it does not show you any warning. Make sure to wrap it for iOS 13 only.
To update background of UISearchController proper way is change background image.
If you see UISearchController in visual debugger you can find out that background of it is UIImageView:
So you should make small image of your search bar and set it to seachBar like this:
The image of searchBar (in project I recommend use .pdf or .png format of image here just screenshot):
The UISearchBar will resize it as need it and result is:
Moreover we can do something like this to create custom background just in code:
The Result is (of course you can change another properties of searchBar to make it better, but I just show you how change background properly):
I recommend avoid private properties just use open! Hope it's help.
There is no any proper/public way for changing this searchbar's background color. There are some ways by using private apis, like answer by @sanjayshah, but in that case, there are chances that apple might reject your application. I think you should move on using default background color. Most of the apps use the same.
A recursive version of @Kamran's answer with a better best-case and average running time. The accepted version does not work on iOS 13+ for me.
Did you try something like