My app has a service and an activity. From the service, activity is called with following code:
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), MainActivity.class);
even without the flags, normally the activity window is displayed with its correct layout. However, on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 with Android 7, activity layout is not displayed. I only see the following line on logcat:
I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:281438674 intent:Intent { flg=0x30000000 }
I believe this is not an Android 7 (API 24) issue because on another device with Android 7, service can successfully start the activity. I guess, MIUI is preventing the launch of the activity from service.
I tried changing how the activity was defined in the manifest. I also tried with several different flags. All of my tests failed. I could not succeed in starting the activity. Worst issue is that there is no error/exception in the logs.
Any ideas on this please ?
In App Info screen from the system Settings app > Other permissions > Display pop-up windows while running in the background.
This seems introduced in MIUI 11.
Edit: here is a piece of code that I use. I add that into a permission list in a