I am trying to use a WebView in my Android application. I am creating my webview in code-side (not in XML). My problem is; when I call loadUrl method of webview, the webview goes fullscreen mode. How can I keep the size of the webview for example 200x200 pixels?
If there is any other option instead of webview, of course welcome :)
this is used for set layout of the emulator. 60 means % value. we can use 0% to 100%.
See my reply and comments on how to show a webview inside an activity in the middle of screen
Apply LayoutParams to your WebView or to the Layout (i.e. LinearLayout) that's surrounding the WebView, if any, i.e.
setLayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams(200, 200));
Quite possibly what you are seeing is not your activity, but the Browser application, because the URL you linked to did a redirect. Use
to catch the redirect and send it back to your ownWebView
.@Mahtias Lin, please see my code to create and use WebView;
Above code is not set my webview to 416px height.
@CommonsWare, I tried your suggested with following code and amazingly it works, thanks.
But this usage brought some new problems. When I override shouldOverrideURLLoading, the webview displays with no-addressbar, no-navigation (back, forward etc...)?
And also, the webview doenst accept user inputs?
Ok, I am editing my question :)
I searched and I found the following additional set to make webview to able to get inputs;
On the other hand, I guess I will create my own back, forward buttons and address-bar for my webview. I will also attach "what happened" to this thread when I create my buttons and address-bar.