I'm looking for a way to convert a string that contains a character escape sequence into the represented character.
So, for instance, I want to parse the string \"
(which has two characters, a backslash and a double-quote) into the char "
. So, an array of chars into one char.
So something that might do something like this and vice versa:
package test;
public class Test {
private static char parseChar(String string) {
char c = 0;
if ("\\n".equals(string)) {
c = '\n';
}else if ("\\t".equals(string)) {
c = '\t';
}else if ("\\r".equals(string)) {
c = '\r';
}else if ("\\f".equals(string)) {
c = '\f';
}else if ("\\b".equals(string)) {
c = '\b';
}else if ("\\\'".equals(string)) {
c = '\'';
}else if ("\\\"".equals(string)) {
c = '\"';
}else if ("\\\\".equals(string)) {
c = '\\';
return c;
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (String arg : args) {
System.out.println(arg + " : " + (int)parseChar(arg) + " : " + parseChar(arg) + ";");
I could not believe there is nothing in java.lang or other that can provide me with good (maybe native) code for this because I feel the above code might be incomplete and not parse every problematic (escapable?) character, because well I'm a noob. I want a tool that can do the same thing as the String constructor :
String st = "\"";
char ch = st.charAt(0);
ch output : ";
Thank you for reading this, I am sorry if not clear I will check regularly and correct if asked.
When I run the above code:
java -classpath ~/workspace/MacroRecorder/bin/ test.Test \\n \\t \\f \\r \\b \\\' \\\" \\\\;
...it outputs
\n : 10 :
\t : 9 : ;
\f : 12 :
;r : 13 :
\b : 8 :;
\' : 39 : ';
\" : 34 : ";
\\ : 92 : \;
But in Eclipse, the output is completely different with the same parameters especially the " is very messy.
Apache Commons to the rescue with StringEscapeUtils, you want the unescapeJava method I think: http://commons.apache.org/lang/api-2.4/org/apache/commons/lang/StringEscapeUtils.html#unescapeJava(java.lang.String)