I am using the AngularJs-UI components for Bootstrap. I would like to insert a filled out template into one of the data elements for the popover feature. This works find for all elements not inside of a ng-repeat. How do I get the ng-repeat elements to work inside of a interpolated template?
I have a plunker at http://plnkr.co/edit/Cuku7qaUTL1lxRkafKzv Its not working because I don't know how to get Angular-UI-bootstrap to in plunker.
<div data-popover="{{createHTML()}}">some content</div>
My local scope has the function createHTML()
that looks something like this.
angular.module('myApp', ['ngSanitize'])
.controller("myController", function(myService){
$scope.createHTML = function() {
var thingy = { blah: "foobar", collection: [ "1", "2", "3" ] };
return myService.html_for(thingy);
And the service is
.service('myService', function($templateCache, $interpolate, $sanitize, $log) {
"use strict";
function html_for(thingy) {
var template = $templateCache.get('thingyTemplate.html'),
link = $interpolate(template),
html = link(thingy),
unsafe = $sanitize(html);
return unsafe;
return {
html_for: html_for
<script type="text/ng-template" id="thingyTemplate.html">
<div><strong>Blah:</strong> {{blah}}</div>
<div data-ng-repeat="foo in collection"><strong>Collection:</strong> {{foo}}</div>
<div><strong>Collection[0]:</strong> {{collection[0]}}</div>
<div><strong>Collection[1]:</strong> {{collection[1]}}</div>
<div><strong>Collection[2]:</strong> {{collection[2]}}</div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="template/popover/popover.html">
<div class="popover {{placement}}" data-ng-class="{ in: isOpen(), fade: animation() }">
<div class="arrow"></div>
<div class="popover-inner">
<h3 class="popover-title" data-ng-bind="title" data-ng-show="title"></h3>
<div class="popover-content" data-ng-bind-html="content"></div>
doesn't handle directives likengRepeat
( Difference between parse, interpolate and compile ).$interpolate
:To handle
and other directives you want$compile
. But for your use case$compile
is going to result, unfortunately, in a number of changes because:It needs a scope to compile against rather than just a context like
. Moreover it needs the scopethingy
is on.This means we'll need to reference your properties like so {{thingy.blah}} instead of {{blah}} inside your template.
The compile needs to happen when the popup is on the dom.
So we can't just replace
inside your service.One approach is to replace
with the following directive that acts like anng-bind-html
that has a built in$compile
(clearly you should only use this with html that you know is safe).Used like so (with
:One issue is that we need
to be in scope. There's a few of ways of handling that- but for demonstration purposes I've manually gone back up to the scope the popover is called from - which is 2 scopes up thus thescope.$parent.$parent
.Using this compile directive you no longer
so the function in your service can shrink down to just returning the appropriate template:demo fiddle