Has anyone a list of the Perl commands to manipulate Excel on Windows with the basic Win32::OLE module? In particular, I am thinking of the following operations:
- Opening and saving an Excel file
- Reading/Updating values
- Reading/Updating formulas
- Changing format, borders
- Adding/editing hyperlinks
- List worksheets
- etc...
This is the list of operations I have gathered while writing my scripts on Excel with Win32 module. I would like to share.
Feel free to comment/edit in order to improve.
1. Opening and Saving Excel/Workbooks
2. Manipulation of Worksheets
3. Manipulation of cells
N.B: to retrieve the list of hyperlinks, have a look at the following post Getting list of hyperlinks from an Excel worksheet with Perl Win32::OLE
4. Manipulation of Rows / Columns
5. Misc
6. Useful links
Link for information about Colors on Excel: http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/excel/colors.htm
Link for information about Excel constants: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa221100%28office.11%29.aspx
Links from Win32::OLE module: http://search.cpan.org/~jdb/Win32-OLE-0.1712/lib/Win32/OLE.pm#EXAMPLES
Useful information about usage of Excel can be found at this address