This area is hardly documented online and it would be great to see a working Swift 3 example, of say, a custom drawn cube with manual SCNvector3s. There is this in objective-C but not Swift. This might not be a usual form of question but I know it would help many. If there is somewhere I missed, please mention.
The documentation is not very helpful
scngeometrysource, etc.
A custom geometry is constructed from a set of vertices and normals.
In this context, a vertex is a point where two or more lines intersect. For a cube, the vertices are the corners shown in the following figure
We construct the geometry by building the cube's faces with a set of triangles, two triangles per face. Our first triangle is defined by vertices 0, 2, and 3 as shown in the below figure, and the second triangle is defined by vertices 0, 1, and 2. It is important to note that each triangle has a front and back side. The side of the triangle is determined by the order of the vertices, where the front side is specified in counter-clockwise order. For our cube, the front side will always be the outside of the cube.
If the cube's center is the origin, the six vertices that define one of the cube's face can be defined by
and we create the vertex source by
At this point, we have a vertex source that can be use to construct a face of the cube; however, SceneKit doesn't know how the triangle should react to light sources in the scene. To properly reflect light, we need to provide our geometry with a least one normal vector for each vertex.
A normal is a vector that specifies the orientation of a vertex that affects how light reflects off the corresponding triangle. In this case, the normal vectors for the six vertices of the triangle are the same; they all point in the positive z direction (i.e., x = 0, y = 0, and z = 1); see the red arrows in the below figure.
The normals are defined by
and the source is defined by
We now have the sources (vertices and normals) needed to construct a limited geometry, i.e., one cube face (two triangles). The final piece is to create an array of indices into the vertex and normal arrays. In this case, the indices are sequential because the vertices are in the order they are used.
From the indices, we create an geometry element. The setup is a bit more involved because
requires anNSData
as a parameter.We can now create the custom geometry with
and lastly create a node and assign the custom geometry to its
propertyWe now extend the vertices and normals to including all of the cube faces: