I'm using Python to gather some information, construct a very simple html page, save it locally and display the page in my browser using webbrowser.open('file:///c:/testfile.html'). I check for new information every minute. If the information changes, I rewrite the local html file and would like to reload the displayed page.
The problem is that webbrowser.open opens a new tab in my browser every time I run it. How do I refresh the page rather than reopen it? I tried new=0, new=1 and new=2, but all do the same thing. Using controller() doesn't work any better.
I suppose I could add something like < META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="60" > to the < head > section of the html page to trigger a refresh every minute whether or not the content changed, but would prefer finding a better way.
Exact time interval is not important.
Python 2.7.2, chrome 26.0.1410.64 m, Windows 7 64.
Keep it very short, as simple as:
If you're going to need a refresh on the same tab, you'll need selenium webdriver. After installing selenium using pip, you can use the following code
This will open the url and refresh the tab every
secondsThe LivePage extension for Chrome. You can write to a file, then LivePage will monitor it for you. You can also optionally refresh on imported content like CSS. Chrome will require that you grant permissions on local file:// urls.
(I'm unaffiliated with the project.)
I use pyautogui module to refresh the browser page. It's one liner:
It looks like several people have asked this in the past but here is a link that sums it up.
Python refresh HTML document
But webbrowser.open( url, new=0 ) should open the page in the current window and not initialize a new one.