How can I add my own logs onto the Apache Airflow logs that are automatically generated? any print statements wont get logged in there, so I was wondering how I can add my logs so that it shows up on the UI as well?
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I think you can work around this by using the logging module and trusting the configuration to Airflow.
Something like:
Inside python callable for PythonOperator you can use:
This will produce correct output like:
For case with your custom logger:
You'll get duplication of formatting:
If you look at the PythonOperator:, looks like there is no way to log STDOUT/STDERR from the python callable into the airflow logs.
However, if you look at the BashOperator:, the STDOUT/STDERR from there is logged along with the airflow logs. So, if logs are important to you, I suggest adding the python code in a separate file and calling it using the BashOperator.