I have the following html element:
<a href onClick={() => fields.push()}>Add Email</a>
I need the href attribute so bootstrap styles the element with a link styling (color, cursor).
Problem is, if I click that now it causes the browser to redirect. How can I update the above to not redirect the browser onClick but still run fields.push()
try the following code snippet
fields.push()}>Add Email
In TypeScript
throws warning, so there any other way to skip that warningsYou should consider write method clickHappens in react component instead of writing this inline. Hope it works!
Here's a simple solution,
Basically what react wants us to do is to use a different component, for instance a button. We can always make a button look like a link using CSS(and thus, won't contain
and the complexity to remove it's behaviour). So, instead of using an anchor tag as a button, use the button element itself. Hope it makes sense.add javscript:void(0):
You should call preventDefault function from onClick event like this:
You can use something like this particular to your use case: