When trying to create a new Android Project with Eclipse, there is no Build Target available.
I have:
- Installed ADT Plugin
- Created a virtual device
- Installed Android SDK, installed platform + platform tools
- Set the Android SDK path to Eclipse.
I have tried every fix I have found, but they just tell me to do those things I just mentioned.
In Window -> Preferences -> Android, it accepted my path, but there is No target avaible there.
And yes, I have installed:
Android SDK tools, revision 10 Android SDK platform-tools, revision 3 SDK platform Android 2.2 API 8, revision 2
Set your SDK home once again in your Android Preferences on Eclipse.
I had this issue, none of the above solutions worked for me.
I uninstalled the Eclipse Android tools and reinstalled them, this of course required two Eclipse restarts. Net effect the targets showed uo again correctly.
Try to restart the Eclpise and check if it works. Still problem persist then once again set the SDK Location by going to windows->preference->android
So you try to create a new Android Project with Eclipse, there is no Build Target available. Please Goto Window -> Android SDK Manager. Now try to install all new updates. After all installation finished, restart your ADT or Eclipse. Problem may resolved.
To create a Virtual Device
Virtual Devices
Add this device as your target.
I had the same problem, preferences->android page's targets list was empty even when pointing to a valid SDK location on Ubuntu 10.10. Eclipse restart solved the problem.