I made the layout from xml with on tablet layout of emulator size. But when open on same layout on android phone device then every thing distorted, So can i make a xml layout that will work fine in both of device phone and tablet also. Please suggest me, appreciate your answer.
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Use Tables and weights to create the same or similar aspect ratio on a phone that would be on a tablet. I would only create different Layouts as a last resort.
Make your resource like this.
res/layout/my_layout.xml // layout for normal screen size ("default")
res/layout-small/my_layout.xml // layout for small screen size
res/layout-large/my_layout.xml // layout for large screen size
res/layout-xlarge/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large screen size
res/layout-xlarge-land/my_layout.xml // layout for extra large in landscape orientation
res/drawable-mdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for medium density
res/drawable-hdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for high density
res/drawable-xhdpi/my_icon.png // bitmap for extra high density
For more reference. reference1.
Add this in your manifest.xml
Hope this will help you.
You can create two seperate layout for your phone and Tab. What you need to do is create a layout file with "filename" for phone and for tab create a layout file by right clicking project and selecting new>android xml layout file> and then type a "filename", click next and select Size from the right pane and select x-large from drop down list. Your layout file for tab is created separately so customise your layout seperately.