i want to make a modification to my project and right now the project status is..... it is searches the available WiFi networks and shows the list with info of the network this works properly.Now i want to search and see the details of the devices connected to the network. Is there any way to find these devices ? Your comment will be useful for me, Thanks.
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You can loop over the IP ranges, and "ping" them. It is not the best / fastest method (UDP is better) but, it works in many cases. The sample code below returns the list of the IP addresses connected to the current network.
Would you like to discover a specific device ? Or you need the list of all connected devices? The second I don't think is possible.
Discovering specific devices:
UDP Broadcast
. Some reference can be found here!There are some protocols that are supported by some devices( routers, HDD, etc...), like UPNP!
If you develop a software on the device which you would like to discover you could create a
server listening on a specific port. Your client will just send abroadcast
message on that port and yourServer
will send a response with the information you need. Here it is a simple example.