I'm a newbie to angularjs.Is there any way to show alert when a form has unsaved data and user presses browser back button. Any pointers to how to achieve this would be appreciated.
Update: :
angular.module('myApp.directives', []).directive('confirmOnExit', function() {
return {
link: function($scope, elem, attrs) {
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
if ($scope.myForm.$dirty) {
if(!confirm("Ahh the form is dirty, do u want to continue?")) {
window.onbeforeunload = function(){
if ($scope.myForm.$dirty) {
return "The Form is Dirty.";
Updated code
angular.module('myApp.directives', []).directive('confirmOnExit', function () {
return {
link: function ($scope, elem, attrs, $rootScope) {
window.onbeforeunload = function () {
if ($scope.myForm.$dirty) {
return " do you want to stay on the page?";
$rootScope.$watch(function {
return $location.path();
function (newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue != oldvalue) {
// here you can do your tasks
} else {}
$scope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
if ($scope.myForm.$dirty) {
if (!confirm("The form is dirty, do you want to stay on the page?")) {
Yes, I just gave this answer some minutes ago to another user, create a watch at root scope level to catch location changing:
As you've discovered, you can write a custom directive to watch for changes. Your updated code is on track, however there are a few things you could do to improve:
Your directive references the form by name, which limits it's re-usability. For example, what if you wanted to use this same directive on a form called
? Currently using$scope.myForm.$dirty
limits this flexibility. Instead, a better approach is to bind to the formController in your linking function.There really isn't a need to watch
since binding to$locationChangeStart
will do the same thing.I've written an angularjs directive that you can uses the approaches I've discussed above. @see https://github.com/facultymatt/angular-unsavedChanges
Hopefully you find this directive informative. Feel free to learn from it or even use it in your project.