I had an issue with passing an Array to a Sub By Reference, but the Array actually not get modified. I managed to fix that , but I want to know why.
Here is the example.
Private Function fCountArray(ByRef arrayVar As Variant)
arrayVar(0) = 333
End Function
Sub Test1()
Dim changedArr As Variant
Dim notChangedArr As Variant
' create 2 quick array
changedArr = Array(1, 2, 33, 56, 76, 89, 10)
notChangedArr = Array(1, 2, 33, 56, 76, 89, 10)
'intest = Array(3, 1, 2)
fCountArray (notChangedArr)
Debug.Print notChangedArr(0) 'Print Out 1
fCountArray changedArr
Debug.Print changedArr(0) 'Print Out 333
End Sub
So what is the underlying different between fCountArray (notChangedArr) and fCountArray changedArr
Why fCountArray (notChangedArr) Not pass by reference?
Great question! I believe the parentheses are causing an evaluation, so even though the function is taking the argument
, you're not actually passing it the array local to the calling procedure, you're passing essentially a copy of it.To avoid ambiguity, I tend to make
all procedures that don't explicitly return a value. And I useFunction
only to return values/evaluate an expression, never to manipulate objects/etc.So I would do:
And then you can simply call that sub like:
(You may not need to make this
, since it takes at least one required argument it will not be exposed to user in the macros dialog.)I tested this also with
and observe the same behavior.Update
This seems to confirm my suspicion, that a copy/temp instance of the evaluated expression is passed, not the
variable instance.http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg251769(v=office.15).aspx