Im using sendgrid to send email in my node.js application. Every combination I try to attach a pdf ends up with my attached pdf being unreadable.
i've tried:
var base64data = new Buffer(data).toString('base64');
to : hexDecode(_.e),
from : '',
subject : 'Report',
files : [{filename:'Report.pdf',content:'data:application/pdf;base64,'+base64data}],
//files : [{filename:'Report.pdf',contentType:'data:application/pdf',url:'public_html/img/'Report.pdf'}],
//files : [{filename:'Report.pdf',url:'public_html/img/'Report.pdf'}],
html : 'bla bla'
does any one know how to prevent 'Failed to load pdf document'??
Quite weird, I haven't really checked the docs and such because of answers beforehand already did but this was how I did mine and it worked.
hope this helps other people. using @sendgrid/mail": "^6.3.1",
According to the README, you should just pass your content, not turn it into a data URI.
With the latest version of the library, it goes like:
The field is called "attachments" now.(