Is there any way to get a the list of connected MAC addresses when my phone is on Wi-Fi tethering mode?
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Firstly, you must have a rooted device. When it's done just read dnsmasq.leases file. Usually it is placed at: /data/misc/dhcp/dnsmasq.leases. A structure of the file is pretty simple - each line is a summary of a connected user. The summary has several fields including MAC. I didn't find a possibility to get MAC without root. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
would provide the information for both static and DHCP clients that have communicated with the device during the last 60 seconds (configured in/proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/wl0.1/gc_stale_time
is the wireless network interface on my phone).It is available for non-root users too.