I need to submit an app on behalf of a client, but I only have Team Admin and not Team Agent access. How can I submit the app for them through Xcode? Do I have to have the username/password of the Team Agent in order to do this?
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I have clients create a new, dedicated Apple ID for their company in iTunes Connect that is the Agent, and use that Apple ID rather than my own to submit the apps.
As an admin you can do almost everything: (there was an image)
Surprisingly, not to submit apps (ref):
From the apple documentation (ref)
There must be a possibility to change the agent role, but:
Which means that is a very serious decision to do.
We can now do this without access to the team agent's account. The team agent will need to add user's to their iTunes Connect account as either 'admin' or 'technical' roles. Then those user's would be able to upload new binaries for the App Store. Here are detailed instructions from Apple: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/7_ManagingYourTeam/ManagingYourTeam.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40011225-CH2-SW1