Possible Duplicate:
MonoTouch.Dialog: Dismissing keyboard by touching anywhere in DialogViewController
I'm using DialogViewController from MonoTouch.Dialogs. I'd like to be able to dismiss the keyboard by clicking on the background of the dialog.
I usually employ the technique of filling the view with a large custom button and placing it behind all the other elements. However, I can't make this work in the DialogViewController. I did this in LoadView and it just froze all the other controls.
Is there a relatively straightforward way of achieving what I want?
miguel.de.icaza answered this question on a different thread: https://stackoverflow.com/a/10864640/1134836.
His solution:
In view controller:
Edit: From what I've read, you can use the TouchesBegan event for the cell subview instead of the table itself. I'm not positive that works. Good luck :)