I have set up my pom.xml like so, and it appears to be working for the most part, I can start the devserver and update the application.
My problem is that I can't seem to debug the devserver. I tried launching the devserver maven goal in debug mode from within IDEA, but when I set breakpoints they are ignored.
I found in the GAE Maven plugin docs that you can launch the devserver in debug mode with the following configuration:
However I don't know how to tell IDEA to connect the debugger when I start the Maven Run/Debug configuration.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
The configuration mentioned in your question looks good. So, you have:
When you run your Maven build
at some point it halts and waits for the remote debugger to connect.
In IDEA, go to
Run > Edit Configurations...
and add a new Remote configuration.Run > Debug '<name of your config>'