Please could anyone explain how to draw an image on a WebGL canvas? At the moment, on a regular '2d' canvas, I'm using this:
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var cxt = canvas.getContext('2d');
img.onload = function() {
cxt.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
img.src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64var;
With WebGL it seems you have to use textures, etc. Can anyone explain how I would adapt this code for WebGL? Thanks for the help! :)
If it was up to me I'd do it with a unit quad and a matrix like this
Given these shaders
vertex shader
fragment shader
I'd create a unit quad and then fill out a 3x3 matrix to translate, rotate, and scale it where I needed it to be
Here's some articles that will explain the the matrix math
Here is a self-contained script that does what you want, if that helps. All you need to provide is image.jpg.