I am trying to unpack an array I obtain from reflecting an objects fields. I set the value of the general field to an Object. If it is an Array I then want to cast my general Object to an array (no matter what its type) and extract its content
String key = fields[i].getName();
Object value = fields[i].get(obj);
if (value.getClass().isArray()){
In my unpackArray method, I have tried casting the Object Value to java.util.Arrays, java.reflect.Array and Array[] but each time it is not letting me.
Is there a way I can cast my Object to a generic array?
Many Thanks Sam
The only parent class of all arrays is Object.
To extract the values of an array as an
you can use.Unfortunately primitive Arrays and Object Arrays do not have a common array class as ancestor. So the only option for unpacking is boxing primitive arrays. If you do null checks and isArray before calling this method you can remove some of the checks.
Test: http://ideone.com/iHQKY