Is there a way to split camel case strings in R?
I have attempted: = "thisIsSomeCamelCase"
unlist(strsplit(, split="[A-Z]") )
# [1] "this" "s" "ome" "amel" "ase"
Is there a way to split camel case strings in R?
I have attempted: = "thisIsSomeCamelCase"
unlist(strsplit(, split="[A-Z]") )
# [1] "this" "s" "ome" "amel" "ase"
Here is one way to do it
Here is a one-liner using the
. The regular expression matches the beginning of the string (^
) followed by one or more lower case letters ([[:lower:]]+
) or (|
) an upper case letter ([[:upper:]]
) followed by zero or more lower case letters ([[:lower:]]*
) and processes the matched strings withc
(which concatenates the individual matches into a vector). As withstrsplit
it returns a list so we take the first component ([[1]]
) :Looking at Ramnath's and mine I can say that my initial impression that this was an underspecified question has been supported.
And give Tommy and Ramanth upvotes for pointing out
The beginnings of an answer is to split all the characters:
Then find which string positions are upper case:
Then use that to split out each run of characters . . .
I think my other answer is better than the follwing, but if only a oneliner to split is we go:
Here's an approach using a single regex (a Lookahead and Lookbehind):