I'm running a unit test of a dotnet core library using dotnet test. I run the test on my Jenkins slave like this.
dotnet test test/Turbine.Domain.UnitTest -xml mstest-reports/Turbine.Domain.UnitTest.xml
The test report looks like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly name="Turbine.Domain.UnitTest.dll" environment="64-bit .NET (unknown version) [collection-per-class, parallel (8 threads)]" test-framework="xUnit.net" run-date="2017-04-07" run-time="13:34:31" total="31" passed="31" failed="0" skipped="0" time="0.170" errors="0">
<errors />
<collection total="3" passed="3" failed="0" skipped="0" name="Test collection for Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests" time="0.052">
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests.CanAccumulatePositionsByPortfolioIndex" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests" method="CanAccumulatePositionsByPortfolioIndex" time="0.0402475" result="Pass" />
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests.LotEventsTriggerPositionEventsImmediately" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests" method="LotEventsTriggerPositionEventsImmediately" time="0.0102925" result="Pass" />
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests.CanAccumulatePositionsByDefaultIndex" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.AccumulatePositionsTests" method="CanAccumulatePositionsByDefaultIndex" time="0.0012357" result="Pass" />
<collection total="4" passed="4" failed="0" skipped="0" name="Test collection for Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests" time="0.087">
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests.MarketValueHandlesNegativeAmounts" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests" method="MarketValueHandlesNegativeAmounts" time="0.0826806" result="Pass" />
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests.CanProduceFirmSummaryFromSnapshot" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests" method="CanProduceFirmSummaryFromSnapshot" time="0.0012097" result="Pass" />
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests.GrossMarketValueHandlesNegativeAmounts" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests" method="GrossMarketValueHandlesNegativeAmounts" time="0.0020873" result="Pass" />
<test name="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests.FirmSummaryProducesOutputOnQuote" type="Turbine.Domain.Tests.Queries.AnalyticsSummaryTests" method="FirmSummaryProducesOutputOnQuote" time="0.0010767" result="Pass" />
I use an archiveXUnit
block in my Jenkins jobs DSL to try and read in the report.
archiveXUnit {
msTest {
Jenkins appears to see the report.
Recording test results
[xUnit] [INFO] - Starting to record.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing MSTest-Version N/A (default)
[xUnit] [INFO] - [MSTest-Version N/A (default)] - 1 test report file(s) were found with the pattern '**/mstest-reports/*.xml' relative to '/home/jenkins/workspace/routing/Turbine/build_Turbine' for the testing framework 'MSTest-Version N/A (default)'.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Failed Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Check 'Skipped Tests' threshold.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Setting the build status to SUCCESS
[xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.
But it isn't parsing and incorporating the results in its report. I don't see the test report on my Jenkins build dashboard.
Any ideas?
You can use the following Pipeline code to run and publish the dotnet core test results:
I have uploaded some examples that I made to my GitHub for everyone to use and contribute, feel free to take a look:
Those pipline jenkinsfile will add this pipline template to your build:
So I'm using xUnit and the trx format which works happily:
Run Tests:
However using this gives me the following issue:
And so copying the xunit runner manually to the bin folder of the test project fixes this (yes this is hacky):
I then add a Publish xUnit tests step as shown:
Tests then get reported correctly on the project and build pages.
Thanks Matt and kiml42!
I'm using dotnet core 2.2 with MSpec as my test framework, and don't need the hacky copying, and can use the trx format (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-test?tabs=netcore21#examples).
The test command I use is:
dotnet test --logger "trx;LogFileName=UnitTests.trx"
, which runs tests in each of the test projects, and writes the results to{ProjectFolder}/TestResults/UnitTests.trx
I do have the MSTest plugin installed, which converts from trx to junit format (https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/MSTest+Plugin).
I also link to the test results using a post/always/step block as follows:
I have the following declarative Jenkinsfile pipeline: