How do you create a moving average in SQL?
Current table:
Date Clicks
2012-05-01 2,230
2012-05-02 3,150
2012-05-03 5,520
2012-05-04 1,330
2012-05-05 2,260
2012-05-06 3,540
2012-05-07 2,330
Desired table or output:
Date Clicks 3 day Moving Average
2012-05-01 2,230
2012-05-02 3,150
2012-05-03 5,520 4,360
2012-05-04 1,330 3,330
2012-05-05 2,260 3,120
2012-05-06 3,540 3,320
2012-05-07 2,330 3,010
assume x is the value to be averaged and xDate is the date value:
SELECT avg(x) from myTable WHERE xDate BETWEEN dateadd(d, -2, xDate) and xDate
For the purpose, I'd like to create an auxiliary/dimensional date table like
is the key,date_1
for this day,date_2
contains this day and the day before;date_3
...Then you can do the equal join in hive.
Using a view like:
NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ANSWER but an enhanced code sample of Diego Scaravaggi's answer. I am posting it as answer as the comment section is insufficient. Note that I have parameter-ized the period for Moving aveage.
In hive, maybe you could try
This is an Evergreen Joe Celko question. I ignore which DBMS platform is used. But in any case Joe was able to answer more than 10 years ago with standard SQL.
MS SQL Example:
SQL Puzzle query:
One way to do this is to join on the same table a few times.
Adjust the DateAdd component of the ON-Clauses to match whether you want your moving average to be strictly from the past-through-now or days-ago through days-ahead.