I need to import a library to my project, the library should is a javascript file, which need to be inlined to html.
for example:
library code:
var a = 0;
I need to make this code inline in html.
var a = 0;
can I implement this with webpack? I find script-loader, but it run the script, not make it inline.
I've started working on a plugin for html webpack to support this. You specify regex to match files that you want to embed inline.
At last, we solve this problem by combining webpack and gulp. (with two plugins: gulp-html-replace and gulp-inline-source.)
In package.json, define a task, which will compile the project using webpack and then inject the js file as inline.
When you want to release your project, just run
npm run build
update on July.20 2018
we have made a webpack plugin to solve this issue.
I did it without gulp, with the help of inline-source:
npm install inline-source-cli
attribute to the script tag in your html file:<script inline src="path/to/index.js"></script>
inline-source --root ./dist dist/path/to/index-pre.html > dist/path/to/index.html