I'm trying to remove duplicates in excel 2013 VBA. but I'm getting error "object does not support this property or method". The problem is I don't have static range to select. I want remove duplicates from the column heaader 'abcd'.
Set rng = Selection
You need to tell the Range.RemoveDuplicates method what column to use. Additionally, since you have expressed that you have a header row, you should tell the .RemoveDuplicates method that.
Your original code seemed to want to remove duplicates from a single column while ignoring surrounding data. That scenario is atypical and I've included the surrounding data so that the .RemoveDuplicates process does not scramble your data. Post back a comment if you truly wanted to isolate the RemoveDuplicates process to a single column.
To remove duplicates from a single column
if you have header then use
Increase your range as per your requirement.
you can make it to 1000 like this :
More info here here