To start my service from an Activiy I use startService(MyService.class)
. This works great, but in a special case the service should be started differently. I want to pass some parameters to the service start.
I tried the following in my Activity:
Intent startMyService= new Intent();
startMyService.putExtra(Constants.START_SERVICE_CASE2, true);
In my Service I use:
public class MyIntentReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals("controller"))
// Intent was received
The IntentReceiver is registered in onCreate() like this:
IntentFilter mControllerIntent = new IntentFilter("controller");
MyIntentReceiver mIntentReceiver= new MyIntentReceiver();
registerReceiver(mIntentReceiver, mControllerIntent);
With this solution the service starts but the intent is not received. How can I start a Service and pass my parameters?
Thanks for your help!
Step #1: Delete your
implementation.Step #2: Examine the
your service gets inonStartCommand()
and look at the action viagetAction()