I am trying to get some Javascript working in my Rails app.
I want to have my index page allow me to edit individual items on the index page, and then reload the index page upon edit.
My index.html.erb page looks like:
<div id="index">
<%= render 'index' %>
In my index.js.erb I have:
$('#index').html("<%=j render 'index' %>");
and in my holders_controller:
def edit
holder = Holder.find(params[:id])
def update
@holder = Holder.find(params[:id])
if @holder.update_attributes(params[:holder])
format.html { redirect_to holders_path } #, flash[:success] = "holder updated")
## ^---Line 28 in error
render 'edit'
When I load the index page it is fine. As soon as click the edit button and it submits the form, I get the following:
But if I go back and refresh the index page, the edits are saved. What am I doing wrong?
You forgot to write
block:But I am suspicious about your index.html.erb, I don't think that will really work the way you think.