i want to use aspectj aop in kotlin,here is my code:
my annotation in annotation.lazy_list:
package anotation
annotation class lazy_list
my aspectj aop class:
class ActiveListAop{
@Pointcut("execution(@annotation.lazy_list * *(..))")
fun profile() {
fun testModeOnly(joinPoint: JoinPoint) {
my usage:
fun all():List<T>{
return lazy_obj?.all() as List<T>
when i call all() function , no error,but wont't print "123", why?
For annotation process in Kotlin, you must enable and use KAPT. Without this being added via Gradle or Maven plugin, nothing is going to work for annotation processing in Kotlin code.
See also:
For what it's worth, we needed aspectJ weaving in our android project but really wanted to move to kotlin so we had to solve this problem. So the solutions in this thread using spring or maven didn't work for us. This is the solution for android gradle projects however, this WILL break incremental compilation and therefor slow down your build times and/or break something eventually. This gets us by until I can re-think our architecture and phase out aspectJ or (hopefully) android starts supporting it.
There is confusion in some of the answers and comments to the OP that kapt solves this, but kapt lets you do compile time annotation processing, not weaving. That is, annotation processors let you generate code based on annotations but do not let you inject logic into existing code.
This builds on top of this blog on adding aspectJ to android: https://fernandocejas.com/2014/08/03/aspect-oriented-programming-in-android
Your kotlin classes get compiled into byte code, just into a different directory. So this solution using the same process to weave the java classes but runs it again on the kotlin class files
at the top of your
add:At the bottom of your App/build.gradle add:
spring + kotlin + AOP work nice, just go to http://start.spring.io/ and generate a project with AOP support, you can see a piece of build.gradle here...
plugin kotlin-spring makes all classes open to allow AOP
Then, just declare your aspect as follows
Important: annotate your aspect class with @Aspect and @Component annotations
Piece of cake! :)
Check @RobbyCornelissen's answer here. I found it works, and thanks to him.